Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Target Loveliness

I have a longer post that will go up tonight, but I just don't have time to finish it this morning. It involves a lot of pictures, and while I would love to finish it up right now I really need to focus on my dissertation research. In the mean time, check out this shower curtain I found at Target:

I love it, but I am 110% sure that my husband would gasp in horror if I suggested putting it in our bathroom.

I discovered it last night after checking out the new Liberty of London products at Target. One of my best friends is having a baby girl in a few months and her shower is this weekend. Wouldn't one of these dresses make a cute gift?

I'm not sure how I ended up looking at shower curtains after looking at infant girls' clothing, but that kind of thing will happen at target.com. It's like a black hole. I just get sucked in and one search leads to another.


  1. That fabric is gorgeous. I think that you should buy the shower curtain and use it in one of your lovely projects :)

  2. I just don't have anywhere to put it...
