Thursday, May 6, 2010

Garden Progress

I'm at home sick today. My throat felt funny when I woke up yesterday morning, but I just thought it was the result of drainage. Yesterday afternoon I had a meeting in the big city and whatever bug I have hit me hard. I drove home with the heat on full blast and I was still shivering. I went to bed dressed as though I was going outside for a walk on a brisk fall day. This morning I had to get up by 6:00 to decide if I was going to call the company I work for and tell them I couldn't sub today. I wasn't shivery and achy anymore, but my throat, ears and head told me to stay home. The kids at school may have generously shared their germs with me, but I decided to keep mine to myself. I made the phone call and then crashed for the next 5.5 hours.

Now I'm up. My left ear has popped, and I'm hoping for more progress. I want to go back to work tomorrow!

I took some pictures of our circular garden last weekend, but have neglected to post the pictures. I suppose this afternoon is a good time to take care of that task. Remember when our garden looked like death? I was so scared of the garden at that time. I really didn't think anything was going to come back.

...but it did. Last week I posted this picture of our garden:

...and during the past week this is what has happened:

I'm no expert, but it looks like we have quite a few bloom that should open up sometime soon. I am totally amazed by how quickly this garden has developed. I can't wait to see what it looks like next week.

This weekend my dad is delivering a hole digger and some chicken wire so I can fence in the vegetable garden. The beans, peas and lettuce are up and I want to protect them from the next of bunnies that have taken shelter under our shed.

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